

Ball Attachment Dentures

Providing comfort and stability, the simplest option for implant-retained dentures is the ball attachment denture.  Generally used when all of the lower teeth are missing, this system works by placing two dental implants in the lower jaw that allows the patient to snap the denture into place. The stability and functionality of the ball attachment denture give patients approximately 60% of what they had with their natural teeth, as opposed to 10% of the functionality of loose dentures.

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Implant Retained Dentures

When you have lost your natural teeth, a variety of complications can arise that impact your physical and emotional health. You may find it difficult to speak clearly or chew your favorite foods. You may be embarrassed and try to hide your smile from others. You may also experience shifting among your remaining teeth, causing additional discomfort in your mouth and jaw. 

Implant retained dentures offer a solution that provides comfort and relief. They can replace both upper and lower teeth, giving you a secure, natural-looking option that is not only more comfortable but also more convenient than traditional dentures. 

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Screw-Retained Dentures

When you have lost your natural teeth, a variety of complications can arise that impact your physical and emotional health – beyond just your smile. Dentures are an important part of restoring your smile’s appearance, but they can pose challenges for some. Implant retained dentures offer you a secure, natural-looking option that is not only more comfortable but also more convenient than traditional dentures.

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